My CV/Résumé in English



Surname : Brugère

First name : Alexis

Personal details


Date of birth 03 July 1984 Place of birth Paris XIII
Home address ?
College address 350139 Georgia Tech station
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-1410
Mobile 1-404-918-1729 Nationality French
E-mail Email Marital status Single


Education and qualifications

2008 Expected degree both from ENSIETA and the Georgia Institute of Technology

2007/2008 Studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Master of Science in double diploma program with the ENSIETA
School of Aerospace Engineering, courses focused on
Aircraft Design

2005/2007 Studying at ENSIETA, a French Graduate Engineering School, Brest
Major in Mechanics, Minors in Electronics and Informatics

June 2005
DEUG MIAS mention AB: Diploma of higher education with distinction in mathematics and computing applied to sciences from the University of Paris XI Orsay

A two year secondary school preparation in advanced mathematics and physics for the competitive entrance examination to French Graduate Engineering Schools in the Institution Sainte Marie, Antony

June 2003 Baccalauréat (equivalent of UK “A” levels), specialty science

Professional experience

2007/2008 Graduate Research Assistant in the Aerospace System Design Laboratory, ASDL
Fall 2007: Working about the
alternative fuels for aircrafts

Two-month Internship in EADS in Manching (Germany),
Subject: “Flight Test of
the Advanced-UAV
The work was focused on the flight tests of the Eurofighter and on the risk reduction phase for the advanced-UAV.

2006 Internship in Snecma (Evry-Corbeil, France), assigned to the logistic team

2000/2006 Certified guide in the castle of Bannegon (Cher, France)

Language skills
French Mother Tongue

English Fluent (TOEFL IBT, 106/120)

German Proficient

Italian Beginner

Computing skills
Computer literate in
Windows, Office 2003 and 2007

Programming languages Java, Fortran, Maple, Matlab and Excel VBA

Mechanical Software
  • Samcef, CatiaV5, MotionCatia, RDM Le Mans, AMESim
  • Fluent, Gambit

Management Software Telelogic DOORS, Model Center, JMP

Leisure activities and sport
  • Gliding, 160 flight hours
  • Sailing, Member of the sailing team of the ENSIETA for the “Tour de France à la Voile”, Mumm 30 French championship

Music Singing

Driving License
Flying License (gliding)



Research ASDL
Alternative fuels for aircrafts
This research aimed to find the future fuels for aerospace applications. I have to study the different alternatives and to determine if the solutions are credible. I also have to determine the changes which will be needed on aircrafts and ground infrastructures.

Aircraft Design
Georgia Tech

2007 Sizing, synthesis and constraints analysis of the next generation Close Air Support aircraft.

2007/2008 NASA Design Competition
Subject:  "Design of the next generation, 21st Century, “DC-3” type aircraft."

Advanced Design methods
Georgia Tech
Assess the feasibility and the viability of a 150 passengers aircrafts with high level of improvement. Study of the different technologies available to reach some goals such as noise and NOx-emissions reduction.


2007 Aerodynamic noises reduction of the freefall simulator of Breizh Park.

2006/2007 Conception of a robot focused on automatic stock research in a warehouse.

2006 Conception of a control system by displacement of the gravity center of a autonomous submarine.


2006 JAVA coding
Subject: Simulation of the behavior of humans during a party.

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